Blogger In Control : )

- Baizura Yusof
- At the age where I'm starting to appreciate life more than I ever did compared to when I was back in high school. So, I'd say, give life a chance, and it might just surprise you in all sorts of ways :D
Everybody's Got Me Looking In The Wrong Direction
1st : Saras' 19th :)
3rd: Sean San's 19th :)
7th : Vivonne's 19th :)
8th: AJ's 19th :)
22nd: FutureProof at Camden Barfly, London :)
23rd: Semester 2 Opens!
27th : Afiq's 19th :)
4th: All Time Low, We Are The In Crowd & The Maine w/ Nav at The Forum (Hmv Forum), London.
17th: Ezra's 9th :)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Day Ended Happily ; Sorta.. ;)
hello again.. yeah.. as you know.. i went for the Muay Thai Demo and it was AWESOME! haha.. it was so fun man! lol.. hahha.. It started at 6-7.00pm.. at the Group X's Studio.. Then, i found out that Uncle Jacq was the Instructor/MC random..the portable microphone is soo LAWA! over random.. Uh huh.. before i went in Uncle Nick was like,"Hey,fighter!" I was like. hehe eh heh.. haha.. malu nye.. *sweat2* -___-" then my mumjoined in the fun! :) So the trainers involved were Uncle Shariff *of course ;) *, Uncle Jacq, Uncle Johan, Uncle Muhen, Shar and Vivien.. Shar was just there to monitor.. :( lol.. she was there to layan me when other people were Muay Thai-ING.. hahah.. She's the same age as Kak Nia! lol.. ha...yeah.. Basically my day was awesome.. at the end of the day my day got awesome-ER when i saw a familliar someone sitting beside my dad.. It was Uncle Djohan! :'') hahaha.. i miss him so much! *Myra, Tash you guys would remember Uncle Djohan Effendy right?* Yeah.. he got cuter and a little bit chubby.. but still fit! ; ) hahah.. i still got his wristband that he gave me.. <3 Thank You Uncle Djohan! : ) well.. it's getting late... need to get enough rest for Mid Terms tomorrow! Bye.. nights TA!
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