Blogger In Control : )

- Baizura Yusof
- At the age where I'm starting to appreciate life more than I ever did compared to when I was back in high school. So, I'd say, give life a chance, and it might just surprise you in all sorts of ways :D
Everybody's Got Me Looking In The Wrong Direction
1st : Saras' 19th :)
3rd: Sean San's 19th :)
7th : Vivonne's 19th :)
8th: AJ's 19th :)
22nd: FutureProof at Camden Barfly, London :)
23rd: Semester 2 Opens!
27th : Afiq's 19th :)
4th: All Time Low, We Are The In Crowd & The Maine w/ Nav at The Forum (Hmv Forum), London.
17th: Ezra's 9th :)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I'm Gonna Have To Miss Bio On Wednesday! :''(
Hello! LOL.. : ) Yeah.. today is not exactly a day where i say it would be yeah.. the first thing that happened was waking up late for gym! -___-" that sucked of course.. sighs.. sorry Uncle Shariff! Yeah, today i went to gym later... before tuition.. it was awesome! LOL.. yeah.. i did the Muay Thai Boxing! It feels good to punch something for once! haha.. but i pity Uncle Shariff.. he kept getting hit by me! XD SORRY! And.. dum dum! He asked me to come on Wednesday to join the demo session for Muay Thai! :)YAY! but not so yay for the fact that i have to miss Bio.. O.O" aiyyoo.. LOL!But Uncle Jacq is so nice that he said "What do you have on Wednesday?"I replied, "I got Bio tuitionla Uncle Jacq!" He looked at me unbelievable-ly, "What? BIO? Ah..Bio takpe la.. come i teach you!" I laughed, "Lol.. okay.. Thanks Uncle Jacq!" Yeah that is cool.. lol.. haha.. i'm such a geek la kot.. :P Uh huh.. lol.. random.. Sash's birthday and Shiqin's birthday is coming! I dunno what to get! Hmmm..i wonder what to bagi diorang haha.. yeah.. ala dah pukul 12!!! -__-" i haven't read through SEJARAH and AGAMA!!! O.O" gtg..ta people
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