Blogger In Control : )

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At the age where I'm starting to appreciate life more than I ever did compared to when I was back in high school. So, I'd say, give life a chance, and it might just surprise you in all sorts of ways :D

Everybody's Got Me Looking In The Wrong Direction

1st : Saras' 19th :)
3rd: Sean San's 19th :)
7th : Vivonne's 19th :)
8th: AJ's 19th :)
22nd: FutureProof at Camden Barfly, London :)
23rd: Semester 2 Opens!
27th : Afiq's 19th :)

4th: All Time Low, We Are The In Crowd & The Maine w/ Nav at The Forum (Hmv Forum), London.
17th: Ezra's 9th :)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Finding Peace Ain't Here

LAST NIGHT'S CONVO *between me, Aaron and APPARENTLY his COUSIN*

Phone rang. Unknown number on the screen. I answered.
Me: Hello? Who's this?
Unknown person: Hello? Are you high on McFly? *giggles*
Me: O.O Huh? What? Who is this?Hello? Do I know you?
UP: Hello? Do you sell McFly Pizzas?
Me: =.= What the faaa..? what the hell? WHO'S THIS?
UP : *giggles* and then i heard a familliar voice of a dude.
Me: AARON LIM JIT YANG!!! =__=!!!
Aaron: Hey Bai! :)
Me: What the hell? You're so mean Aaron!
Aaron: what it was for fun!! ahha. that was my 7 year old cousin by the way!
Cousin: *giggling* Ooohh.. Aaron's talking to his girlfriend!
Me: Aaron did you change your number???!!!
Cousin: Aaron's in love!!! Oooooh.. *LAUGHTER SPREADS ON UNTIL THE LINE WAS CUT OFF*
Me: What? What the hell? Aaron!!! O.O
I then called Aaron again.
Me: Hello?
Cousin: Hello?
Me: =_=! can i speak to Aaron please?
Cousin: Okay! Aaron! You're girlfriend wants to talk to you! *giggling*
Me: What the mother of-
Aaron: Hey Bai?
Me: Hey Aaron.. What was that all about? Why did you calledme? Oh and did you changed your number?
Aaron: NO BAI. For the thousandth time, I didn't change my number!
Me: -.-! Okay.. so why don't you reply my sms???
Aaron: Well Bai, you keep sms-ing me when I'm EATING! Stop sms-ing me when i'm EATING!!
Me:=_= what the hell Aaron! i'm sorry i don't know your 'SCHEDULE' when you EAT okayy..
Aaron: Hey wait Bai! Listen, i called you because I bought this McFly book for 5 bucks and it has 5 posters of McFly and it has tons of stuff about McFly.
Me: WTF -.-! and THAT's why you called me in the first place? what the hell Aaron?
Aaron: Well, DUH Bai! I know how much you LOVE McFly! so that's why I called!
Me: Okay.. what the hell man.
Aaron: Oh yeah. And you know what Bai?
Me: What?
Aaron: I think i DID change number. Maybe you HAVE been sending your texts to a different number! *LAUGHING*
Me: What the hell Aaron! -.-
Aaron: Haha. Sorry Bai.
Me: OKAY. So can I have you new number now?
Me: *oh great... he put me on effing LOUDSPEAKER -_-!* What?? Why not? Can you just give me you number please?!
Aaron: You know what Bai? I'll just Facebook my number to you okay?
Me: But wait Aaron!!
Cousin: Hi!
Me: =.=! Hi
Cousin: Can I have a McFly pizza now?
Me: NO -.-
Cousin: You MEAN and RUDE you know that!
Cousin: You're very very very MEAN!
Cousin: Didn't your mum teach you manners and good values? *giggling*
Cousin: BYE

thanks Aaron for that PRANK CALL.

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