Project January! I'm sorry that i've been delaying AGAIN! :O But that's okay :) Here's Day 11 : A photo that I've taken recently :)

I was having my Danny Jones moment ;) HEE. Yeah.. Mine didn't WORK OUT as PLANNED! ahha.. Danny's SHOT is WAAAY AWESOME-ER kott :) HEE. Yeah. I was bored. I went to Isle of Wight with my family so we were waiting for the last train home :)

Oh yeah. You see this everywhere in the UK. So yeah. Mind the gap! :) HEE. Malaysia should have this! I mean we do but like it's not as AWESOME ;D LOL. Sorry Malaysia! :D

I took this picture OBVIOUSLY in Rome, Italy. It was our first day in Rome. We wanted to visit the Colloseum but it was closed and we came too late anyway so yeah. There were so many police there because there was one of the tourists who lost their daughter! :OO

AGAIN the COLLOSEO :) In Italian :) hee. ;D The architecture is SO beautiful! :)
off to sleepp.
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