Myra, Tash, Sash! how do you guys do it??? -______-" how do you people do homework and still have time to do your own thing? I fail as a STUDENT.... lol.... i feel lost... am i the only who's left behind with homework? O_O" And i just realise that I didn't have a group at ALL for Chem until the LAST day of school before CNY... But at least i found my group! : ) My chem Buds: Mas Nasyrah, Aqilah Naqlis, Sangita and Yasmin Shahirah wooo.... lol.... :P Speaking of homework... our timetable changed... AGAIN.... well this is the first time in this year that it changed.... but then again its annoying... bleh... Well, luckily we didn't have to change ALL of our teachers.... But we had to change Pn Su.... ; ( thats sad.... she's AWESOME! : ) She was our English teacher by the way... And Pn Hoh too.. though it's cute to know that she's teaching us English! that would be fun! : ) But i'm still going to miss Pn. Su... Oh.. yeah... Since Pn. Hoh's not teaching us History anymore... Encik Hulam is! lol... can't wait to see that! :P He's funny too! Thats a plus! ; ) Yeah.... nothing much....last night Maira came to my house.... oh yeah.. i have two Myra's... Myra my bff. Maira is my niece! So yeah... my niece came to my house and slept over at mine for one night until today... We slept quite late because someone wanted to play Sims 2.... -__-" didn't get enough sleep.. i woke up late for gym.... didn't even go... :O Uncle Shariff's going to kill me! -____-" more like torture.. aiii... yeah.... as i was saying.. oh wait random! Myra, Tash, Sash! I got Uncle Shariff's pic! Now you guys can see how he looks like! lol.... And advance apologies to all of you especially to SASH i'm sorry if he doesn't look like Steve Jocz! To me he's a MALAYSIAN version : ) haha... lol... i know ain't funny... right.... well... yeah... i guess that's all.... trying my level best to update my blog as often as posssible..... ; ) Yeah... i shall end my blog with the convo of ME talking to Aqilah and Mas lol:
I'm unwell : ( says:
Hi Aqilah its Baizura
Lis says:
Lis says:
shall we talk chem?
I'm unwell : ( says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
Lis says:
do u have mas' email?
I'm unwell : ( says:
yup yeah i do... she tengah online skarang
I'm unwell : ( says:
Lis says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
no prob
Lis says:
jap, i'll go take my chem txtbuk
I'm unwell : ( says:
Lis says:
Lis says:
so we're supposed to do chap 1?
I'm unwell : ( says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
here's what mas said
Lis says:
add her to the convo la
I'm unwell : ( says: forgot
I'm unwell : ( says:
I Toblerone U has been added to the conversation.
Lis says:
I Toblerone U says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
lol... ok... so lets divide la siapa nak buat ape..
Lis says:
do we have anyone else in our group?
I'm unwell : ( says:
uh...... do we Mas?
I'm unwell : ( says:
dont think so..
Lis says:
not much to do ^^;;
I Toblerone U says:
sangita tkde group
I Toblerone U says:
I Toblerone U says:
yasmin also
I Toblerone U says:
yasmin yg duduk sebelah kim
I'm unwell : ( says:
aha.... ok....
I'm unwell : ( says:
now how...
Lis says:
@__@ ok!
I'm unwell : ( says:
=_=" did u tell them?
I Toblerone U says:
[c=10]s a n g i t a [/c] has been added to the conversation.
I Toblerone U says:
I Toblerone U says:
she's away
I Toblerone U says:
Lis says:
Lis says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
lol..... jahat gile
I'm unwell : ( says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
ok... so... theres five of us.... 5 sections
I'm unwell : ( says:
all we have to do now is assign each people to one section...
I'm unwell : ( says:
Lis says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
so we have to fair i guess
I'm unwell : ( says:
but i dont know how... -__-
Lis says:
A) Chem n it's importance:- 1. What is chem? 2. Chem related careers 3. Chem-based industries in Msia n their contributions
Lis says:
B)Scientific Method?
Lis says:
Lis says:
Lis says:
that's ALL
I'm unwell : ( says:
uhuh..... so wait... Yasmin mane?
I'm unwell : ( says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
I Toblerone U says:
Lis says:
I Toblerone U says:
i tk knal sgt yasmin
I Toblerone U says:
so yeah hahaha
Lis says:
@__@ confused
I Toblerone U says:
sorry yaaaaa
Lis says:
x ingat which yasmin
Lis says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
lol.... alamak... camne niii
I'm unwell : ( says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
wait adoi untuk kesakitan!
I'm unwell : ( says:
Lis says:
can i do chem related careers?
I'm unwell : ( says:
I'm ok with... i actually dont mind doing any section
I'm unwell : ( says:
Lis says:
Lis says:
A) 2 taken!
I'm unwell : ( says:
yupp... loll
I'm unwell : ( says:
k... i want to take the importance of learning Chem
I'm unwell : ( says:
can ah??
Lis says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
k sec. 4 is taken
I'm unwell : ( says:
tinggal nak bgtau Mas je
Lis says:
maass is busy?
I'm unwell : ( says:
idk... i think so... cam tetibe je busy
I Toblerone U says:
I Toblerone U says:
I Toblerone U says:
i buat 3 importance
I Toblerone U says:
I Toblerone U says:
tu bai
I Toblerone U says:
okay i buat
I Toblerone U says:
what is chem
I Toblerone U says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
lol.....kk.... so tinggal which section?
Lis says:
A) 1 taken!
Lis says:
available: A)3 scientific method n summary
I'm unwell : ( says:
Lis says:
*A) 3, Scientific method, and summary
I'm unwell : ( says:
ahhhh....ok.... i guesss that what Yasmin and Sangita has to do..
I Toblerone U says:
Lis says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
ok.... wait..kalau nak combine... kitorang nak send to one person and that person print
Lis says:
Lis says:
but my printer habis ink
I'm unwell : ( says:
or... kitorng combine at school?
I'm unwell : ( says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
thatll more tedious wouldn't it..
I'm unwell : ( says:
Lis says:
nanti they'll look diff
I'm unwell : ( says:
i know!
I'm unwell : ( says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
ehhhh.... tanye Mas lak kalau she takleh i can try
I'm unwell : ( says:
Lis says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
hmm... takpwla.. nanti i call mas la...
I'm unwell : ( says:
I'm unwell : ( says:
then i'll explain to her about everything
Lis says:
ok, thatd b great
I'm unwell : ( says:
well.... ok.. then... i guess we r settled... if anything i'll go online to ask anything or i'll call u la!
k... bye.. gtg to Ara for makan-makan pot luck.
p/s: Sorry tash i lambat... : ( Aww.. mye and Sush can't come... : (
Blogger In Control : )

- Baizura Yusof
- At the age where I'm starting to appreciate life more than I ever did compared to when I was back in high school. So, I'd say, give life a chance, and it might just surprise you in all sorts of ways :D
Everybody's Got Me Looking In The Wrong Direction
1st : Saras' 19th :)
3rd: Sean San's 19th :)
7th : Vivonne's 19th :)
8th: AJ's 19th :)
22nd: FutureProof at Camden Barfly, London :)
23rd: Semester 2 Opens!
27th : Afiq's 19th :)
4th: All Time Low, We Are The In Crowd & The Maine w/ Nav at The Forum (Hmv Forum), London.
17th: Ezra's 9th :)
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ReplyDeleteYou wanna know how I do it?
I spent the whole day, finishing whatever, every homework I have.. sitting hours and hours.
Then, when every things done.. I can do other stuff hahaha