Hello! i just want to wish everyone a Happy 3-Day Holiday! lol.. Yes.. because tomorrow it's a Holiday! Well not just any holiday, it's Maulidur Rasul! : ) Yeah... This is... lol.. well... i'm just bored so... this is what i do when i'm bored... i shall post random posts! lol... I'm just basically posting pictures that i took on Friday during break before History class.. Seriously.. this is US teenagers, doing what we DO best.. fooling around and doing stupid things that are funny and FUN! lol... here we go..
This is really random! ;D

I was sooo damn bored okaay.. So here i was taking a picture of Brandon's NEW WC Bag.. I love it! But Najwa disagrees... :O lol... i know i have weird taste for bags! XD

Oh! If you look closely, you can see a piece of lonely Kinder Bueno chocolate on the dirt around the bushes! lol! Yeah.. if wondering how it got there, let's just say that Najwa & I were talking while she eating her Kinder Bueno and we were laughing about something that her chocolate fell! XD I pity Najwa!

Okay, since i've been telling Myra and Sush about Najwa... Here she is! Yup that's Najwa Radzwan! lol... I was so mean.. I thought her dad was young & famous Malaysian fashion designer, Radzwan Radzwill! lol... Um... But i was WRONG of course! ;P Well i didn't know okaaaay! It coukd happen... But then again, In Najwa's words: "He MUDA lagi la kot!" and In MY words: "Mane LA i TAU!" : P Yeah... i shall explain further on what on earth she is holding... Mind you it's a TOY! lol.. : )

Okay... this is another very funny event that had happen on Friday... i guess this is what happens when teenagers are on sugar OVERLOAD! lol.. yeah.. Brandon was minding his own bussines in putting the TOY together when suddenly out of nowhere, Jai picks him up! lol... I know some of you wouldn't believe that Jai carried him because i took the picture halfway but seriously! Brandon's feet was off the ground! lol! Me and Najwa were like, :O! Yeah... and Brandon was so cool and macho as if nothing's going on... GUYS..

Okay KIDDIES! Putting A Toy Together 101 With Brandon Lau! ; P lol.. yeah.. here's Brandon trying to open the Kinder Surprise with the surprise inside after I failed trying to open it... what la! Jai broke the opener! -_-" lol.. that's okaay.. his thumb hurts! And May i say how AMAZED Najwa & Brandon were when they looked at the Toy. lol..

Okay...this explains how bored I WAS and how bored THEY were.. lol.. Wonder whta they were staring at? lol!

oh! Aww.. Jai's camera shy! lol.. that's sooo CUTE! lol.. Yeah... See that Kinder Bueno? Yeah.. there's
a 'cerpen' behind it! lol... so here it goes.. yeah... Jai & Brandon walked to Najwa & me.. so.. He was like, "Can I have something to eat? hugry-la.." So me and Najwa, being the funniest kids i've ever known in my whole life went, "Here! HERE! Take my chocolate!" Najwa: "Eh, take my Kinder Bueno! I tak habis! I have anpther one!" Bai: "No!!! Take my one-la! My one kecik! Her Kinder Bueno is the bar one!" Najwa: "Don't Jai! Her one yang the sugary one! it's SWEET GILER!" Bai: :O Ah! SO mean!!! -_-"" Aww.. Jai take mine please!!! Please!! Jai: Okay okay! I'll take this one... *he said pointing to my one* Bai: Yay! Najwa: Ala.. : ( lol.. So yeah.... We just found out that a day before that was Jai's Birthday... so My Kinder Bueno was like a pressie for Jai! So, just wanna say, "HAPPY BELATED SWEET 16 JAI! :D"

Okay... this is the 3 people that have talked about throughout this whole blog.. And they obviously the FUNNIEST people that i've ever met in Nimala.. : ) And they're AWESOME tooo... lol... yeah... Seriously my Fridays Interval would be boring without them! : ) Thanks
Najwa, Jai & Brandon! Well, yeah.. that's basically it... just randomly posting a random post... LOL! I just got a phone call by Uncle Shariff asking for training tomorrow.. Damn. What-la.. kate demam, sore throat, flu semua.. apela.. lol.. never mind.. i need to get tortured anyway.. lol.. great, it's Maulidur Rasul esok and i'm going to get tortured.. WHAT?? lol.. okay then... i guess..this is all.. lol.. I forgot how muchi enjoy blogging that it'll take up most of my time to do other stuff! lol.. Nah. i won't blame you BLOGGIE! ur good.. i have time.. : ) In Mr. Saravanan's words, "Get everything dne by today, because there is NO TOMORROW!" lol.. Yeah.. k Ta!
found youu and you've been linkedd ! in case you don't remember me , I'm that girl from the 2008 tennis team :D