Kali Nihta everyone :)
Blogger In Control : )

- Baizura Yusof
- At the age where I'm starting to appreciate life more than I ever did compared to when I was back in high school. So, I'd say, give life a chance, and it might just surprise you in all sorts of ways :D
Everybody's Got Me Looking In The Wrong Direction
1st : Saras' 19th :)
3rd: Sean San's 19th :)
7th : Vivonne's 19th :)
8th: AJ's 19th :)
22nd: FutureProof at Camden Barfly, London :)
23rd: Semester 2 Opens!
27th : Afiq's 19th :)
4th: All Time Low, We Are The In Crowd & The Maine w/ Nav at The Forum (Hmv Forum), London.
17th: Ezra's 9th :)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Back From The Lovely Land of Greece :)
Kali Nihta everyone.. lol.. that's good evening/night in Greek.. yeah.. just so you know.. I've been away for the whole week.. Yeah.. iwent to Greece for my dad's company trip.. :) I would be lying if i said that i didn't have fun... It was AWESOME :) Although... i did miss my friends :( and i missed like 8 days of puasa...I owe Allah :) Takpe.. anything for Allah no :) yeah.. so then i got tanned!!! :O not good! because of this, i don'twant to show my face in school tomorrow.. i'm thanking god that there wasn't any tuition.. but knowing Miss Nirmala.. she dosen't actually careif it's a public holiday.. Damn.. It's freaking MERDEKA :) but we still got our holiday.. because supposedly it is the fifth Monday or something like that.. Cheh.. apela.. yeah.. arrived at 2 something in the afternoon.. Called Myra, Sash & Tash :) I miss YOU LOT... I miss Aaron too :'( He is still currently in Canada.. for another 2 weeks.. jeez la that dude.. 3 weeks in Canada?? :O Bukannye nak keep in touch! :P ahhaha.. kidding..so yeah.. i'm currently too tired & too lazy to tell you everything that happened in Greece or even posting pics... i need to go pack up my things for school neway.. and finish the unfinished homework i left before i went to Greece.. more like i brought it.. but was too seasick.. =.= hahaha.. so yeah.. I guess that's all.. ta bye nites.. oh oh!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Morning Abu Dhabi ; Dear God I Hate Transit Flights
Morning everyone.. I am currently in Abu Dhabi.. so yeah.. at the lounge of Etihad Airlines.. Soooo freaking tired... I can hardly open my EYES.. i think my nody is all like Jell-O... i didn't eat for the past 9 hours... -.-' i have air sickness problem. so bear with me stomach.. i didn't sleep during the flight.. was too annoyed by management of space required for me to sleep.. this dude in front of me went and push back his chair that i can't even place my damn cup on the table properly.. SHITHEAD.. oh why bother. -.-' Seriously i hope the rest of the trip is going to be less... TORTURE... i wish i am at home now.. Even my best friends are having more fun than I am.. :( This is too much la.. =.=' Dah la transit for 9 hours... I need a shower like seriously.. I bathed like 2 times before coming.. -.-' Was paranoid that i'll get STINKY.. hahahaha.. i think i got stinkier.. hahaha.. what the hell... yeah... right now the food that can be digested is only mash potato.. i can't seem to eat anything else.. i think i'll just puke.. O.O' yeah. won't want that to happen now do we? i wouldn't even want to see the sight of it... Sighs.. Damn.. i need to find something to do before my i get BORED... aahhh.... too tired to blog already.. i shall update AGAIN when i arrive in Athens.. if i even have the strength & energy to blog.. :O well okay then.. ta bye...
Friday, August 21, 2009
Woah Techno Psycho
Yeah man! Bring on the TECHNO..hhahahaa.. let's get high on TECHY! :)

hahaha.. Hello today... i am really patient about tomorrow..hahaha.. I will be heading off to Greece tomorrow.. :( not feeling to cheery about it.. but i'll get over it.. haha been listening to TECHNO & POP like A LOT :) hahaha..

Let's GO TECHNO :O Woohoo.. HIGH.. hahaha

hahaha.. Hello today... i am really patient about tomorrow..hahaha.. I will be heading off to Greece tomorrow.. :( not feeling to cheery about it.. but i'll get over it.. haha been listening to TECHNO & POP like A LOT :) hahaha..

LOL.. okay.. nites LAMElla's :) ahhahaa.. ta..
I Hate The Fact That My CD Player Sucks
yeah... that's my current dilemma.. =.= SHITHEAD... If i wanna bring my iPod, then i have to bring my dad DAMN laptop.. -.-'' Bring je la.. NO pain no gain.. more like no pain no music..

Oh yeah...i need a life.. life sucks now.
-Life is like flying shitheads, it moves on and on.. and yet somehow you'll still discover that there's still crappy things in life-

Oh yeah...i need a life.. life sucks now.
-Life is like flying shitheads, it moves on and on.. and yet somehow you'll still discover that there's still crappy things in life-
ta byes.. need to go eat & rot in tuition.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
A Baker's Dream :P
hahaha... hello another post for the day before going for Add Maths :) Yeah.. I've had an inspiration since the last bake off during Hari Koko.. so yeah.. I am DETERMINED to bake CUPCAKES :) Since the other day my COOKIES were SUCCESSFUL, now let's try CUPCAKES no? ahhaha.. so here's what i would LOVE to try and DO & of course with PERMISSION from my LOVING Uncle Shariff to EAT 'em :P ahhaa... So yeah.. here they are:

This is so ADORABLE! :) Robots! XD

they should try iPhone cupcake since these are the iPhone icons! :)

ahahha... this is to die for! The CUTENESS and YUMMYNESS :)
hahah.. i shall quote V Factory now,
I'm craving for you... and you know it too.. you got me lovestruck oh oh.. :)
ta bye.. :) LAMElla day :)
Dedicated To You Grandma :)
hello... just a little post before i go to the gym! :
Happy Sweet 16 Divya dear :) Or should I say, happy birthday grandma! <3 You are 61! :P hahaha.. have a BLAST :)
Happy Sweet 16 Divya dear :) Or should I say, happy birthday grandma! <3 You are 61! :P hahaha.. have a BLAST :)
ta bye.. i love you 4SD LAMElla's :) Let's all ber-DAMAI for LIFE :) Forever Friends <3
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
My Fave Frat Boy :)
Hello there... i didn't go to school.. because i felt like crap.. so yeah.. i overlsept..so yeah.. woke up late.. and yeah..just went to Sash's house help with Feng Shui & Spring Cleaning before i went for tuition.. so then I introduce her to 'Greek' and I forgot how much I love Scott Michael Foster :) <3 Of course I'll forver LOVE Danny Jones #1 :) He's my boy for life :) So here is Scott! :) hahaha.. I love his Fraternity better than Evan's.. Evan's a shithead haha..

Oh yeah.. he plays Jed in this Webisodes on YouTube called 'Quarterlife'.. but i don't get it though..

cutie pie :)

Oh yeah.. he plays Jed in this Webisodes on YouTube called 'Quarterlife'.. but i don't get it though..

There he is! Cappie & Rusty :)

Evan, Casey & Cappie :) I love his frat's name: Kappa Tau Gamma :)

Seriously.. i have weird taste in guys! be his HOT to me :)
okay, then.. ta..bye nites..
oh p/s: Thanks Sash for the Paradiso Girls :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Old Fashion Memories ; Oh Hello Again
Save Polaroid you citizens of the photography world! :) hahah.. Old Fashion ; Old Timer here is a CLASSIC :) yeah.. been listening to TECHNO and POP songs! -.-' Very surprising...haahah.. Need to download V-Factory... I love THEM! hahah..knew 'em through NLT! Shar was like DOWNLOAD V-FACTORY! haahah.. okay Shar! :) and OMG:

I forgot when was the last time I set my eyes on a rainbow! WOW... lame...hahaha.. yeah... i need to seriously take pics of nature!!! LMAO! :P this is such a random blog post... i was intrigue in posting pics :) oh joy brings me happiness to my humble heart :) oh.. what's with the inner peace talk! hahah. i've totally got ISSUES! -.-' yeah.. and i JUST realise that NOW.. so sadenning.. ahahha..

Cheesy polars?? hahahaa.. NOT.. Polaroids are what I CRAVE as my INSANITY for OLD FASHION STYLED PICS are ascending to its final norm-ness.. Lol! This reminds me! I need to get my damn POLAROID cam fixed! :O and of course I need MORE POLAROIDS! hahahah.. Cheesy but HIP :) Oh polars.. dries faster than my liquid paper... :) The wonders of it... ahhaa

Sweet Sweet records... hahaha.. oh yheah.. and I thought that Shiqin's the old fashion one! ahahha.. guess not huh?Oh yeah.. those times were somewhat COOL! :) It's such an EYE-teaser...uh...is that even a WORD?yeah, WORD... hahhaa.. all TEASER i know is the BRAIN TEASER.. cha... haahah.. yheah. ohhello AGAIN oldtimer :)


I forgot when was the last time I set my eyes on a rainbow! WOW... lame...hahaha.. yeah... i need to seriously take pics of nature!!! LMAO! :P this is such a random blog post... i was intrigue in posting pics :) oh joy brings me happiness to my humble heart :) oh.. what's with the inner peace talk! hahah. i've totally got ISSUES! -.-' yeah.. and i JUST realise that NOW.. so sadenning.. ahahha..

Cheesy polars?? hahahaa.. NOT.. Polaroids are what I CRAVE as my INSANITY for OLD FASHION STYLED PICS are ascending to its final norm-ness.. Lol! This reminds me! I need to get my damn POLAROID cam fixed! :O and of course I need MORE POLAROIDS! hahahah.. Cheesy but HIP :) Oh polars.. dries faster than my liquid paper... :) The wonders of it... ahhaa

Sweet Sweet records... hahaha.. oh yheah.. and I thought that Shiqin's the old fashion one! ahahha.. guess not huh?Oh yeah.. those times were somewhat COOL! :) It's such an EYE-teaser...uh...is that even a WORD?yeah, WORD... hahhaa.. all TEASER i know is the BRAIN TEASER.. cha... haahah.. yheah. ohhello AGAIN oldtimer :)

So la di da... ta Oldtimer..
-Old fashion memories are what my 21st Century heart & soul needs to keep myself grounded-
Sunday, August 16, 2009
My Sweet 16 Party 15/08/09 :)
Hey there...just posting TONS of pictures from the party day.. because Blogger's photo uploading is faster than Facebook's so yeah... I had a great time!! It was AWESOME and a SUCCESS! Sadly some people didn't get to come... I invited around 20+ but only 11 turned up.. Tash was unable to make it because she's in Sabah..So yeah.. but, I just wanna thank EVERYONE who CAME! :) Thanks for your presence & the PRESENTS! hahaha.. get it? LOL.. so pathetic.. hhahaha.. oh well these are the pics that I picked out to show all of you! :)

Group photo!! I told Myra we're like Skins jer.. hahah, but then i changed, We are:
CLOTHES ; Physically Innocent, Mentally Corrupted :)

This is the Birthday cake Kak Nia bought for me! It's RM 145! OMG! :O lol.. hahah., but it's SOOO DELICIOUS! :)

hey everyone! Meet my trainer and his wife, Uncle Shariff & Aunty Azura! They're parents-to-be!! Awww... <3

Group photo!! I told Myra we're like Skins jer.. hahah, but then i changed, We are:
CLOTHES ; Physically Innocent, Mentally Corrupted :)

I prefer this one! :)

Mingling time! :) We talked & laughed a lot :)

Hello everyone! Candid time! hahaha

The adults were eating DURIAN! :) LOL.. Uncle Shariff's the one who requested the DURIAN for Aunty Azura, awww... So Sweet! He looks hot here thought! ;)

Blowed the candles! hahaha Look at Sean & Izzul! :) so cute! haah.. yeah my dad ask them to stand on the chairs just to cover the mirror from reflecting the flashes from the cameras!

Such a CUTE pic!!! :)

Aww... Uncle Shariff, Ma & Aunty Azura! :)

Opening present time! That's Amirah's pressie to me! It's the small cat like the one Tash gave! :) Now Tash, your cat yang you bagi ade kawan!! :)

Kak Aida & I! :D

Me, Myra & Sash...

This was what Sean & Izzul gave me: The pen.. The pen container, Saras gave!

Kak Aida gave this to me! It's Crabtree & Evelyn Soap! :) Smell awesome! I think Sash got high just sniffing it! hahaha.. it's Sash! :)

This is the other present Sean & Izzul gave me! :) It's that Arm Rest thingy! So cute!! Thanks Sean & Izzul!Oh.. p/s: Say thanks to Wai Joon & Matt Chin for signing the card! hahh

This is what Pah gave me!! So pretty! Thanks Pah! :) I love it!!

The brooch & pin that Alianna gave me! Thank you!! So shiny!!

There's Amirah's cat!! :)

These are the books I got! :) Tuesday With Morrie is from Iman! :) & The Last Lecture is from Sasha, Effy & Ujang :)

Ahaha.. So called McFlyettes' 'Photoshoot' hahah... Yeah.. Kudos to Kak Nia! :)

'Photoshoot' #2! hahahha.. Yeah.. this looks cool! hahaha.. Kudos to my sis again!

Okay then! taa... bye!! Thanks everyone! :)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Highlight of My Birthday :)
Hello... just a post that I wanted to post LAST WEEK.. hahah... suppposedly on my birthday... yeah.. just so touched and fascinated by the wishes by my friends in Facebook... haha.. Thanks all of you! <3 hahaha.. and of course thanks to my friends who wished personally through SMS & call! :') I love you people!

Okay then ta bye.. I'm off to do Chem & Bio :) Nites

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