Blogger In Control : )

- Baizura Yusof
- At the age where I'm starting to appreciate life more than I ever did compared to when I was back in high school. So, I'd say, give life a chance, and it might just surprise you in all sorts of ways :D
Everybody's Got Me Looking In The Wrong Direction
1st : Saras' 19th :)
3rd: Sean San's 19th :)
7th : Vivonne's 19th :)
8th: AJ's 19th :)
22nd: FutureProof at Camden Barfly, London :)
23rd: Semester 2 Opens!
27th : Afiq's 19th :)
4th: All Time Low, We Are The In Crowd & The Maine w/ Nav at The Forum (Hmv Forum), London.
17th: Ezra's 9th :)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Hardly, Rarely... What Else?
Today... was... very... slow.. and very.... sighs.. No comments.. Nothing to update really... I myself haven't been updated... lol.. yeah.. This week it's slow.. I hope it goes like this until the end of the year... I don't want anything to go fast.. for now.. Yeah... basically right now.. i am just writing what is in my head... lalala... hmm... school was okay... not too boring... not too stressful.. just okaay.. gym... was... i don't even want to start.. bla bla.... met Sand, Div, Saras & Aisha at tuition... tuition was ok i guess... then... i just realise that there was break... i didn't find Yas though during the break... So i decided to hang out with Michelle & Sabariah the ex-form 5's... yeah.. i'm surprise that they're devoted to work for Miss Nirmala.. it's a good exercise though... considering that we have to go all the way to third floor for Bio, Physics & Chem.... lol... yeah... Michelle was playing car racing? LOL! :D yeah... and Sabariah was like, "Eh, eh... One liter air tak enough la!" lol.. oh great... it's getting late... okay then... bye... nightseys....
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
No Way Out
Hey there.. i am currently in a state where i have yes, NO WAY OUT... =_=" previous homeworks' are piling up... Not exactly a GOOD sign... I.I" I am so going to die... I think i died for Chem, Bio , English and History... the 'Golgi Apparatus' in myelf is not functioning so well... i think its dead when i don't even realise it... What the hell?! Sighs... I just linked Marissa, Lilian & Melsa onto my blog! : ) yay! Wow... THAT's done... HOMEWORK no.... -_______-" Time's like these i hate John Ohh for writing the song, 'Whoever She Is' where the lyrics(i shall now replace with my OWN words..):
So to hell with the homework.... lalala... i am annoyed by MYSELF... =_= i slaute to my classmates... they're awesome... not only that, i salute to my BFF's because they too can handle it when i can't! -_-' gagagaga... Sorry Lady GaGa... didn't mean to offend you there mate! lol.. :O haha... yeah.... gym was TORTURE as per usual... lazy to talk about it... don't even want to talk about it... lol.... loll... random.... i haven't distribute the lollipops to the trainers... hahha... lol.. how ironic.. trainers... and lollipops... that would sooo affect them.. lol.. lalal... they''re fit... damn-la they... lol... why is it suddenly soooo random.. i'm sorry my bad... just not exactly in a right mood to do this.... -__-" just piano! yaya! I have completed my first! Well... not perfectly of course... lol.. but i did it! i'm so proud! lol.... som thing that will torture me makes me happier.... WHAT???lol..... hahah.... yea... sadly i can;t do hafazan.., i was just thinking of doing it tomorrow.... -_-' but sadlyu my monthly sickness came... AT LAST... it's been slow... since like last.. don't get me wrong though... you know what i mean.. lol... of course you do... lol! O_O' so blur now... i didn't exactly get to see Myra today.. Yas didn't come... kinda weird... lol... aww.. miss her.. : ( Saw Sush and Tash... but still not satisfied with time that we spend with each other... (not forgetting myra! <3) Yeah... well ok then... got to go... Eya's sleeping at mine's tonight with Aunty Yah... Thank god Uncle Nasir is fine! Alhamdulillah... yeah.. sighs... have to go to gym tomorrow... cardio... damn... tired... i don't want to go to to school! stupid... i shall not do that... lol... okaay then... nightseys.... love yall..
So to hell with the homework.... lalala... i am annoyed by MYSELF... =_= i slaute to my classmates... they're awesome... not only that, i salute to my BFF's because they too can handle it when i can't! -_-' gagagaga... Sorry Lady GaGa... didn't mean to offend you there mate! lol.. :O haha... yeah.... gym was TORTURE as per usual... lazy to talk about it... don't even want to talk about it... lol.... loll... random.... i haven't distribute the lollipops to the trainers... hahha... lol.. how ironic.. trainers... and lollipops... that would sooo affect them.. lol.. lalal... they''re fit... damn-la they... lol... why is it suddenly soooo random.. i'm sorry my bad... just not exactly in a right mood to do this.... -__-" just piano! yaya! I have completed my first! Well... not perfectly of course... lol.. but i did it! i'm so proud! lol.... som thing that will torture me makes me happier.... WHAT???lol..... hahah.... yea... sadly i can;t do hafazan.., i was just thinking of doing it tomorrow.... -_-' but sadlyu my monthly sickness came... AT LAST... it's been slow... since like last.. don't get me wrong though... you know what i mean.. lol... of course you do... lol! O_O' so blur now... i didn't exactly get to see Myra today.. Yas didn't come... kinda weird... lol... aww.. miss her.. : ( Saw Sush and Tash... but still not satisfied with time that we spend with each other... (not forgetting myra! <3) Yeah... well ok then... got to go... Eya's sleeping at mine's tonight with Aunty Yah... Thank god Uncle Nasir is fine! Alhamdulillah... yeah.. sighs... have to go to gym tomorrow... cardio... damn... tired... i don't want to go to to school! stupid... i shall not do that... lol... okaay then... nightseys.... love yall..
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I Miss Britannia High!

It's a year! I love you Danny! : ) But it's almost 2 years and more for you and Olivia of course... ; ) So sweet...
This is Danny Alan David jones : ) <3

All the fun times! : ) Mitch! why the hair? haha... we now love Matt!

L-R: BB, Claudine, Lauren, Jez, Lola and Danny! : )
I MISS BRITANNIA HIGH! Lol.. Sighs... all the songs... lol... FYI, i say it's more awesome than HSM... lol.... Yeah... Crap.. I got to go... I have English tuition after this! I hope there's no homework... lol... what-la... lol... yeah.. YASMIN!!! how dare you leave at English! -__-" sampai hati Yas tinggaaal! lol.. :P well takpe.. I have Varsha! Speaking of Varsha... i have to give her my english homework and the B.M. homework... Sighs.. Not to mention that Eya & baby Mel is coming to my house tonight! MYYYRRA! Where are you when i need you! You made baby Mel smile remember? and to think that i'm the one who's suppose to be good with kids! O_O" lol... what the hell... Oh yeah, speaking of Myra, thanks Myewa for the apple! You pun the apple of my eye, dear! : ) It's been 6 years Mye.... AWESOME... tapi tak achee... Sash ngan Alya 12 years! =_=.. choii... lol... haha... takpe! me and Tash plak... 2 years lebihla.. thats good too.. me and Sash...1 year aawww.... Speaking of one year.. ; ) Mye, Sush, Tash you guys would know : ) *pls refer to the pic up there and you'll get it!* *Sighs* Well ok... then... taa.. Bye you guys!
P/s: And Myra, you're welcome dear.. : ) We got'em! lol... oh yeah, btw... Uncle Shariff kissed the note that you gave me! XD
I MISS BRITANNIA HIGH! Lol.. Sighs... all the songs... lol... FYI, i say it's more awesome than HSM... lol.... Yeah... Crap.. I got to go... I have English tuition after this! I hope there's no homework... lol... what-la... lol... yeah.. YASMIN!!! how dare you leave at English! -__-" sampai hati Yas tinggaaal! lol.. :P well takpe.. I have Varsha! Speaking of Varsha... i have to give her my english homework and the B.M. homework... Sighs.. Not to mention that Eya & baby Mel is coming to my house tonight! MYYYRRA! Where are you when i need you! You made baby Mel smile remember? and to think that i'm the one who's suppose to be good with kids! O_O" lol... what the hell... Oh yeah, speaking of Myra, thanks Myewa for the apple! You pun the apple of my eye, dear! : ) It's been 6 years Mye.... AWESOME... tapi tak achee... Sash ngan Alya 12 years! =_=.. choii... lol... haha... takpe! me and Tash plak... 2 years lebihla.. thats good too.. me and Sash...1 year aawww.... Speaking of one year.. ; ) Mye, Sush, Tash you guys would know : ) *pls refer to the pic up there and you'll get it!* *Sighs* Well ok... then... taa.. Bye you guys!
P/s: And Myra, you're welcome dear.. : ) We got'em! lol... oh yeah, btw... Uncle Shariff kissed the note that you gave me! XD
Saturday, February 14, 2009
A Week From Hell and The After Cross Country Effect
Hey there... it's been a while since i updated! ;) i have my reasons... lol.... so yeah.... lol. XD ok then...this week... i think my bff's would agree to the fact that it was a week from HELL.... not that it's always like that for me..... that's of course, (like i said in my post) i don't have good time management... still trying to get use to yeah... i'm listening to Tash's advice from Mel Koay that we're still trying to get use to all of these new timing especially after TWO WHOLE months of doing uh huh... so..yeah... i am now Add Maths Tuition hunting.... lol... so yeah.. I'm trying to see if i can to go to Sash's tuition... with Tash. yup... but i am currently facing timetable clashing.. hit me! Maybe i could join Myra's tuition in Edusmart... yeah.. lol... they have their classes at different2 days.. so i thought... maybe, just maybe it won't clash with any of my daily after school activities(gym, koko, Nirmala, tennis)
Lalalalala.... I wonder hows McFLy doing?? LOL... : ) i just miss them okaaaaayy! lol... : P Yeah.... I got back from tuition just now.. lol... tuition-ing with the form 5 was AWESOME! : ) Rubini and Bairavi was there... I sat beside Rubini.... haha.. it's SO funny to know that it's been almost 9 YEARS that i've been in the SAME school as them.. but i still never get to tell the difference between Bairavi & Rubini... UNTIL today! lol... Rubini has STRAIGHT hair while Bairavi has WAVY-CURLY hair.... Lol... yeah... Oh and I saw SHAMIL today! : ) lol... it's been a LOOONG time since i'd seen him.... But ironically.. he lives next door... I miss the OLD times when he used to come over to my house... : ( But that's okaaay! We're still neighbours! : P
Yay yay! Uncle Shariff's back from Terengganu with Aunty Azura... : ) I'm obivously going to see him tomorrow... lol... i'm SOOOOOOOOO 100% going to get tortured... I wondering should I give him the lollipop or the apple from the PRS' in conjuction of 'Friendship Week' lol... It'll be sooo funny to see his reaction when i say, "Uncle Shariff! Happy Friendship Week! You're the apple of my eye!" Although, it'll be weird.. lol.. whatever... i ordered already.. lol.. but then again.. if i give him the lollipop, Uncle Jacq can get one as well... : )
Hmm... what else... yeah.. I guess that's it... Oh yeah! I forgot that i have to link Marissa & Li Lian to my blog.... lol.. okayy... i should do it after this! Hmmm... oh yeah.. need t ask mum to buy the Rangers' stuff tomorrow while i'm in school... Okay then... i shall try to update as often as i can! bye... night.. tata : )
Lalalalala.... I wonder hows McFLy doing?? LOL... : ) i just miss them okaaaaayy! lol... : P Yeah.... I got back from tuition just now.. lol... tuition-ing with the form 5 was AWESOME! : ) Rubini and Bairavi was there... I sat beside Rubini.... haha.. it's SO funny to know that it's been almost 9 YEARS that i've been in the SAME school as them.. but i still never get to tell the difference between Bairavi & Rubini... UNTIL today! lol... Rubini has STRAIGHT hair while Bairavi has WAVY-CURLY hair.... Lol... yeah... Oh and I saw SHAMIL today! : ) lol... it's been a LOOONG time since i'd seen him.... But ironically.. he lives next door... I miss the OLD times when he used to come over to my house... : ( But that's okaaay! We're still neighbours! : P
Yay yay! Uncle Shariff's back from Terengganu with Aunty Azura... : ) I'm obivously going to see him tomorrow... lol... i'm SOOOOOOOOO 100% going to get tortured... I wondering should I give him the lollipop or the apple from the PRS' in conjuction of 'Friendship Week' lol... It'll be sooo funny to see his reaction when i say, "Uncle Shariff! Happy Friendship Week! You're the apple of my eye!" Although, it'll be weird.. lol.. whatever... i ordered already.. lol.. but then again.. if i give him the lollipop, Uncle Jacq can get one as well... : )
Hmm... what else... yeah.. I guess that's it... Oh yeah! I forgot that i have to link Marissa & Li Lian to my blog.... lol.. okayy... i should do it after this! Hmmm... oh yeah.. need t ask mum to buy the Rangers' stuff tomorrow while i'm in school... Okay then... i shall try to update as often as i can! bye... night.. tata : )
Monday, February 9, 2009
Can I Just Say That 'Floors' Give You Nightmares? XO
Hola... Lol...Funny intro... Yeah... i am in mood for MORE Ugly Betty! : ) i miss all of the drama.. I miss seeing Betty's funny and quirky moments... Lol.... i guess i share something in common with Aunty Azura! Oh, she's Uncle Shariff's wife by the way. Lol.. Yeah... i am still at Ara.... *sighs* and currently ny stomach is aching at its 'normal' timing... wow... it has a mind of its own! -_-" lol... i'm making myself crazy! lol.. maybe i AM crazy! lol... obviously it'sin a good way right? Right....? ok... never mind don't answer that! ;P Ok... oh yeah....the title of my blog says that: 'Can I Just Say That 'Floors' Give You Nightmares?' lol...well... i have 'experimented' last night itself...LOL... and yeah... i had the most random nightmare in the history of all random nightmares! =_=" memory is like so DAMN i can only remember certain bits of it.... what the hell? I'm going to turn 16 and i'm turning SENILE! -__________-" not really the kind of 'deficiency' that i need at a time like this... O_O Ok... the only exact thing that i remebered was... i dreamt that i just finished gym... and i went down to meet my mum at the lobby... but suddenly i was 'ganged' up by these utterly random PIRATES! O.O what?? uh huh... The 'captain' knew my Add Maths teacher, Pn. Ilani... i was like.... "What? wait... How do you know my Add Maths teacher! She didn't do anything to you!" Funnily, when the pirate replied he had a French accent... "Well, of course I know her! She and I we went waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back... If you know what i mean!" he said giving me this cheeky grin! =_=' "You used to DATE her?! You're waaaaaaaaaaaaaay older than her you old pirate!" I said.. He then took out his sword and pointed it to me! "She was my teacher you little brat!" My eyes grew wider.. and i grabbed a sword of my own and started to have a sword fight with him.... well... SADLY... just before I could 'kill' the French Pirate, mum woke me up 'cause i just realise that it was 15 minutes until tuition! =_=" so yeah... :P I'm surprised that i wasn't tired for tuition... LOL... yup... lol.... I just got an sms from Uncle Shariff saying that he wants chicken rice... lol... hahahah.. The things that i do for my trainer... Seriously... he OWES me.... A LOT... Maybe i should start wondering what he should get me for my Sweet 16! lol... : ) Ok then... gotta go get 'tortured' by Uncle Shariff! XD lol... bye.. tata..
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Expressing My Love to Them :) <3 A Little To Early Before Valentine's
Hey, there! I'm here again to update you guys on my oh-so very random post. This particular post is dedicated to the guys that i LOVE! : ) uh huh. Of course, I am expressing myself through my 'fan'loving' feelings! Okaaay.. Maybe watching 'Hocus Pocus' on Star Movies while doing this post is more random.... LOL! ;D Well, ok then.. not wanting to waste time.. These are the guys who kept me happy with their talents, personality of course their hotness : ) *sighs* So, let's start then! These are my top 10 guys!
Mr. No. 1 Danny Jones guitarist & vocalist of McFly

Mr.No.2 Steve Jocz, drummer of Sum 41

Mr. No. 4 Joseph Dempsie a.k.a Joe Dempsie from E4 Skins
Mr. No. 5 John O'Callaghan a.k.a John Ohh, vocalist & guitarist of The Maine
Mr.No. 6 Garrett Nikelsen, bassist of The Maine

Mr. No.7 Kennedy Brock a.k.a Kenny, guitarist of The Maine
Mr. No. 8 Pat Kirch, drummer of The Maine
Mr. No. 9 Mitch Hewer from E4 Skins and Britannia High
Mr. No.10 Matthew James Thomas of Britannia High

Well, i guess that's the end... But if you guys know me really well, you would know who i 'LOVE' the most : ) i'm sure my best friends, Myra, Tash and Sash know ; ) Of course, you guys do!
Okay then, ta. i wanna wish everyone a very happ 'advanced' Valentine's Day!!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Picking Up The Pieces So That They'll Fall Into Place
Goodday citizens of the world! lol..Hi..It's me again... Yeah...well,it's been quite a while since i blogged... This is of course due to the fact that my damn PC was being annoying... -_-' i guess i have to deal with it huh? lol. I've been unwell for this whole week...I have sore throat and stomach ache.... and i dunno what's the cause of my stomach ache... O.O my immune system is sooooo weak....gaga....speaking of 'gaga' i want to download Lady Gaga's songs....she's :) lalala....yeah.... Right now.... like my besties say, i am stressed out... Sadly...not having a social life also is in.... lol...yeah... haven't really had the courtesy to have 'me time' like Tash said...: : ( i kinda miss having some time on my own... I miss my alone time... : ( oh well... this is what happens when you don't have good time management.... sighs... Speaking of not having any good time mangaement, maybethat's why my mum won't allow me to go for MSSD Tennis....sighs.... tennis is like my passion! ;( it just sucks to know that I won;t be there as Elsheba's partner anymore.... But that's ok Baba! You have Trishi! Yeah... i miss the good 'ol times... Baba and I were like partners in crime... except that it's in! XD yeah... basically... 2009 ain't exactly how i pictured like i said in my title, i am now picking up the pieces so that they'll be able to fall into place. Yeah.. I am trying my level best not to let anything to be in my way of getting myself back on to my feet and live my life...I know can! : )
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